Devlog #7

Bear in mind that the updates and plans outlined in this document represent changes that will go live for our next build release (Feedback Adjusted Build), so what you see here are changes that have already been implemented but you’ll need to wait a little more for 😉.

New Features

(new!) Expanding the Interactive System

💡 New Interactable objects and new functionality have arrived to give our player more control over their environment!

  • Open-Close door system for objects around the map (such as car Trunks!)
  • Rotation of objects in your environment.
  • Moving platforms (up/down and sideways!)

Technical Accomplishments

(QOL change) Jumping Collisions

💡 The player no longer slides through objects after colliding with them mid-air.

  • Player momentum is proportionally affected when it comes into contact with objects/shadows while jumping, making the interaction more realistic.
  • This also results in the elimination of the “super jump” bug that would occur when players jumped beside an object with a collider and would gain very high vertical velocities.


Polishing of the new pickup system.

💡 QOL improvements to the pickup system.

  • Added rotation capability: user can rotate the picked-up object in any axis using a D-pad (or arrow key on keyboard).
  • Improved selection system to make it more forgiving to select the pickup. This made picking up items lower on the ground easier.
  • Fixed a bug where you can select items through walls.

Started the development of the second level

💡 Created the floorplan of the second level.

  • This level will take place in the parking lot of a supermarket and have the player go through 2 different elevation levels!
  • The end goal is to reach the top of a building on the opposite corner of the starting location.

Other Miscellaneous Changes

  • Player Information UI font changed for easier visibility!
  • Further bug-fixing regarding player movement around corners now that our player is one unit instead of 2 independent ones.

Next Steps

  • Incorporate new Interactable System functionalities.
  • Further polishing of our updated pickup system.
  • Further polishing of our first level.
  • Work on our second level.
  • Implement the animations as provided by the art team.
  • Host an independent playtesting session by the end of the reading week.
  • Have interactables that move objects affect other surrounding objects (e.g. opening a door with a box in front of it moves the box).

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